Dexpert’s activity
Since 2015, the company has been consulting and supporting French companies interested in sourcing, producing or investing in Ukraine.
It can offer all the services needed for each stage of a project.
translation of the application and the necessary documents
search for equivalent or applicable standards
identification of existing or potential actors in the targeted area
analysis of supply and opportunities
on-site visits, support of buyers or controllers of the customer in Ukraine, qualification, audit
assistance with the organization or adaptation of production or packaging, transport
daily monitoring of the evolution of the domain. legal, fiscal, normative, capacity, actors, tariffs, financial services ….
staff training
daily monitoring and control of the application of purchase or subcontracting contracts, pre-shipment verification
accompaniment during all stages of an investment
choice of the site of implantation, realization of the approaches of purchase or rental of the land and building
validation of the necessary supplies of the site, gas, electricity, telecommunication, water,
transport of the personnel. road. Local development
manufacture or purchase of technical equipment, setting up, commissioning, organization of lines and material flows and transformations.
quality, environmental and social certification.
supplier search, recruitment and training of teams.
After a first experience in 2016, in 2018 the company has recruited a team able to help or carry out on behalf of Ukrainian customers all the necessary steps to export products to the French-speaking market.
market analysis. supply, competition, standards
website translation and necessary documentation
carrying out commercial activity and / or setting up sales teams, signing distribution or purchasing agreements
staff training
help with certification or referencing
registration to the concerned federations